Monthly Archives: June 2011

New Microsoft Case Study: Blood Center Expects to Automate Product Tracking, Cut Costs with RFID Solution from S3Edge

The Microsoft case-study on our Transfusion Medicine Asset Tracking Solution for Healthcare (being deployed first at the Blood Center of Wisconsin as part of the Transfusion Medicine RFID Consortium) was published recently – you can read / download the case-study at the following URL:


BloodCenter of Wisconsin provides blood and blood products to hospitals for patients in need throughout the state. In consortium with partners, the center wanted to create an automated, efficient way to reconcile and track blood products and containers. It plans to deploy a radio frequency identification solution based on Microsoft BizTalk Server RFID 2010. Once the solution is implemented, the organization expects to streamline processes, reduce errors, lower costs, and improve efficiency.

Enjoy the read and give me a shout if we can assist with a similar mission-critical solution that you might be planning.



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