Monthly Archives: February 2011

HiMSS 11 this week: Swing by C Hall, booth 6348 to learn more about our healthcare solutions for real-time asset tracking and point of care patient safety


Swing by the Unitech booth (Hall C, Booth 6348) where Mark Anastas, S3Edge President, and member of  the Transfusion Medicine RFID Consortium leadership team will be available to discuss (and show you a demo) of our Spotlight based Industry Solution for tracking of healthcare assets in the supply chain and point of care patient safety with Auto-ID technology.

Exhibit Hall Hours:

Monday, Feb 21, Exhibit Halls A-D *
11:30am – 5:30pm

Tuesday, Feb 22, Exhibit Halls A-D
9:30am -1:00pm
2:30pm – 5:30pm

Wednesday, Feb 23, Exhibit Halls A-D
9:30am -1:00pm
2:30pm – 5:30pm

Look forward to seeing you there!



Transfusion Medicine RFID @ HiMSS 11 (Sunday Feb 20, 9:15-10:15 a.m.)


If you are at HiMSS 11, check out this great session being presented by members of the Transfusion Medicine RFID Consortium on Sunday, February 20, between 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM, on how Auto-ID technology can make a difference to patient safety in hospitals. Look forward to seeing you there!

Session Title:

Applying RFID and Barcodes to Improve Patient Safety in Transfusion Medicine

This session will focus on applying RFID technology in transfusion medicine, and will highlight the collaborative journey of one hospital and blood center. The presenters will explain how this technology can prevent errors and measure safety improvements in transfusion, ultimately improving upon patient safety.

Speaker Information:
Alfonso Gutierrez, Director, RFID Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thomas Raife, MD, Clinical Professor of Pathology & Medical Director, DeGowin Blood Center, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine


· Discuss how Auto-ID technologies can prevent errors in transfusion

· Describe how hospitals and blood centers are collaborating and learning together

· Learn new approaches for quantifying safety improvements in blood transfusion

Orange County Convention Center, Room 304 B



S3Edge at HiMSS 11


We will be in C Hall, booth 6348, with our partner Unitech demonstrating the hand-held based point of care solution for patient safety (ensuring the right medication is administered to the right patient at all times). Check out for more information on the solution and we look forward to seeing you there!

Stay tuned for updates, and more information on a very exciting session that will be presented at the conference coming soon – if you are at the conference and would like to meet, or see a demo of the solution, please drop me me a line!

